Thursday, October 30, 2008

Minimal Changes

See!  It's funny because it's a pun!  It's what I'm doing with my life and it's the name of my disease! Get it?....Um... I thought it was funny.....

I'm not going anywhere on Halloween.  *GASP*  Wait, no.  I'm the same person who, at 21 and 22, chose to stay home and watch the Disney Channel instead of partying on New Year's.  Skipping a party is really a minimal, a small, an easy change.

I drink water all the time now.  Not only are the kids who collect bottles for recycling making a mint off of me, but the makers of Smart Water ought to be thrilled that my doctor recommend I drink distilled water with electrolytes...I'm helping keep them in business.  I've practically renounced caffeine and don't see the point in alcohol anymore.  Once again, these small changes aren't really a big deal to me. I enjoy the rare cup of coffee or cocoa and I think I'll always love a cup of tea on a good day, but my life is a far cry from having 64 oz of caffeinated beverages before noon.  I can easily join the ranks of teetotalers who have good reasons for abstaining from the deliciousness of Guinness or Bailey's shakes. Too many people on my message board bemoan brief relapses after a few drinks, and the alcoholism in my family makes me unsure I'd be able to keep from indulging.  So, now I can pull the kidney disease card.

I don't know why today  I'm focusing on the "minimal" instead of the "change." Maybe it's because the last 8 months I've spent a lot of time wishing the changes didn't have to happen.  I've never really liked change.  But there are a million little changes I'm making, and most of them are healthy lifestyle choices that I should have made years ago (Can anyone say sleeping at least 8 hours a night?).  The changes to my life and personality have been hard on my family and friends, but I hope that even they can see that these 'minimal changes' (I know, I'm killing the already bad pun) aren't all that bad

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