Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hospital Silliness

I thought this was worth posting. I wrote this on Day 2 of Hospital stay #1

My beloved teachers and professors,(the not so beloved will get a different email)
Contrary to rumors I'm not dying of kidney failure or even experiencing "failure" @ all. I will be in the hospital until they can figure out what is wrong, but I'm praying that's only a few more hours because the infomercials on tv are starting to make sense. The nurses call me the funny young one (I'm right next to leisure world, the place old people go to drive) and despite all the complications I have a good attitude and trust the doctors and surgeons.

If you haven't heard any tidbits about me languishing away in a southern Cali hospital, consider this a quick update on my life. If you have heard silly rumors you get to be the one to nip it in the bud.
Audience of one,

The funniest thing to me is not the fact that my kidneys actually were failing that day, the "few hours" was actually a few days, and I said Leisure world is where old people go to drive. If you don't live near Leisure World this isn't funny--but the common phrase around here is that LW is where old people go to die. They do drive there, albeit poorly.

I was on very, very strong painkillers at the time, and in my defense, it took a good month or two for me to recognize the severity of the situation. It also took me several months to realize how incredibly loopy I was in the hospital and how much nicer that shot of happiness was than the months of pain killers and muscle relaxants...

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