Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Life back to normal?

And how.   I have a cold.  The first cold I've had since, oh, 8 months ago, right about the time I was diagnosed with a rather odd kidney disease. 

And why is that normal, you may ask?  Well, see, I've had colds or bronchitis just about every year since I ventured into the world, and I know how to deal with them.  I have a very specific list of things that make me feel good when I have a cold, and I'm finding that my kidneys play a very small part in my cold.  It's great to get to think about something else other than Glomular Filtration Rates or Albumin ratios.

My list of how to get through a cold.
1) Sleeping:  Sleeping is something I never seemed to have time for.  In junior high and high school, when I felt a cold coming on, I'd sleep from 4 pm on Friday to around noon on Saturday.  In college and especially, in grad school, I never seemed to have enough time for sleep. One of the perks of spending another semester recovering is my access to sleep. 

2) Water/Juice:  My kidneys have shown me how important hydration is in the grand scheme of things,  but having a cold reminds me of water's joys all over again.  If it wasn't 90 degrees outside, I might indulge in tea or broth, but I'm sticking with cold drinks for now.

3) Sandwiches. I know everyone says to have soup when you're sick, but sometimes it seems like way too much work to lift a spoon.  I get shaky hands sometimes, so that makes spoons a bad idea.  A sandwich, however, is easily accessible, and, if the sickie is tired can be saved for a later date.

4) Steam:  Humidifiers are great, but a few minutes in a steamy bathroom usually makes my head and chest feel less...well...awful

5) Mindless Projects:  I don't know about anyone else, but I always feel worse if I spent an entire day without accomplishing anything.  Today I hung pictures, sometimes I crochet or read, once in college I alphabetized our DVD collection.

I realize that everyone has their own sick traditions.  I like to be left alone when I feel really bad, but there are moments I feel great and want to be out in the world, spreading my germs.  

Hooray for normal!

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