Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Summer Plans

I used to spend my summers walking my pig, cleaning pig pens, showing my pig at the Orange County fair, and napping in pig pens. Summer will never be that cool again.

Not that anyone reads these (hell, I rarely read these) but I'm currently home alone in a very large house with a very disgruntled cat inside, and a very cute dog outside, who, I'm quite certain would destroy the inside of this house if I let her in. She just has these eyes that look at me accusingly whenever I duck inside out of the heat. (I though June was supposed to be gloomy?) It's amusing to type out my impossible-y awesome summer plans as today was my last evening tutoring for the regular school year, and Monday marks the beginning of my life as a SAT/ Critical Reading teacher. Is there anything worse than forcing your children to go to school 4 days a week in the summer? Well, yes, there are children starving in every city of the world, literacy has gone down overall, Bush won't close the borders or end the war, teen suicide and pregnancy have remained stable for the last few years, the aftereffects of *my* hurricane are still devastating, droughts are occuring, the cures for cancer and AIDS respectively are far off and any treatment is far too expensive, genocide, racism, pedophilia, drug wars and murder fill the news.... okay--I concede the point that there are many things far worse than sending one's child to school in the summer, but still.

My Schedule:
Week 1: Teach 16 hrs, Tutor 1-10 hrs, Young Life Campaigners starts!
Week 2: Cabo San Lucas with Erin, read Harry Potter
Week 3: Teach & Tutor, watch Harry Potter, Campaigners
Week 4: Teach & Tutor, Baby Audrey baptised, see Mimi? Campaigners
Week 5: Woodleaf w/ some of my favorite people on the planet!
Week 6: Teach & Tutor, Dale-Bob comes, Campaigners, Kristin & Greg come home from Japan
Week 7: Teach & Tutor, go to CO to see Elisabeth, Mat & little Val @ the Lodge, Campaigners
Week 8: Teach & Tutor, last week of summer for my girls, Campaigners
Week 9: Classes begin @ Pepperdine
Week 10: Begin Student teaching

In other news, there are many people I recognize that I should call or email or hang out with, and I want you to know that I've recently discovered how amazing hiking with Zoe is around twilight, so I have, for all intents and purposes, put any form of social life on hold until it's too hot to hike to the top of my meadow and watch the sun go down. Those of you that I actually call or *gasp* visit, should feel very loved indeed.

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