Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Let's Be 'Just Friends'

A Single Woman’s Declaration of Independence (or---the perfect “let’s just be friends” speech)

I choose to live my life as I do. It’s not that I hate men, or kids, or the idea of ever being in a relationship, but those things are not for right now.

It’s really not you, it’s me. I look in the mirror each morning wondering what I’ll be able to do. Yes, I want to look great and feel great about myself, but this is the time in my life where I get to do so very much. I don’t think you would slow me down or hold me back or squash my dreams on purpose, but I know myself, I know that I need a little time to just be me, not to be known as _____’s girlfriend or fiancé or wife.

I don’t half ass things. I’m incapable of it. Right now I’m giving 100% to school, to work, to my friends, to my Young Life girls, to church, and to my family. You deserve more than someone who will come to lean on you because she can’t lean on anyone else.

When I fall in love, it will be forever, or I’ll never fall in love… When I let myself fall, you can bet I’ll fall hard and that guy will be the lucky one who gets all the massages, gets to sample all my baking, gets to (?) laugh with me through all the silly times and all the serious times, and gets all my heart. I’ve saved it. Yes, it’s been battered a bit, torn up a tad and kicked around a couple of times, but it still has the capability of being fiercely devoted, passionate and gentle.

It’s not that I think that I can do better than you. Part of me wonders if there even could be someone out there that could fit me so well, but there’s a part of me that knows that now is not the time. If you’re not the guy God has planned for me to love, then that man must be amazing.

Distance is an issue, and I don’t think it ought to be, at least not with real love. If you’re the one fated to put up with me for the rest of my life I have no doubt that the opportunity will arise for us to grow together, but I can see that that’s not happening anytime soon.

I believe that God has a plan for both of us. I believe that if we live according to his good, perfect and pleasing will, then we’ll both look back on this as a time of growth, not heartbreak.

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